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Israel Innovative Electronic Reading Program: Need $2m!

2013.08.21 16:07

Company Name

Registration Address

Industry  (energy saving and environmental  protection, new energy, mobile Internet, consumer goods, creative culture,  high-end equipment manufacturing, IT, life sciences, modern services, modern  agriculture, new materials, others)

Project Description

The  company has created a unique new platform for the delivery of ebooks, based on a  revolutionary concept. There is no need to buy books upfront. Readers can  download books to their mobile devices free of charge, and then pay only for  the pages they actually read. This new approach, on top of the tempting  business model, brings immediate benefits to all players in the market. It  improves discoverability and reader-book matching, accelerates distribution,  and adds an important analytics layer, so essential in the digital sphere. 

July 2011



A variety of capabilities, software,  mobile apps. Ebooks, management, and others.


Private company. 3 main shareholders  (one of them is the founder and CEO).

Patent pending.


Application No.


Granted Date

Application Date

Patent Holder/Applicant

Project Requirement

2 million USD

Create US presence, Increase US  sales, establish sales in additional territory (Europe or Asia), add new  features to product, achieve profitability.

Israel Innovation Electronic Reading Program: Need $2m!